Confidently Become a 


(even as a new grad)


(Without the raging overwhelm, fear of being taken advantage of, and nightmarish “what-do-I-do-next syndrome”)

Keep reading to discover the secrets to this and...

  • 5 Biggest Travel Therapy Fears: Alleviated 
  • 3 Reasons New Travel Therapists Fail
  • How to Pay- off 133K in Student Loan Debt in 14 months


Hey There, Aspiring Traveler.  Jess here. If you're a physical therapist- new grad, experienced, or a student- looking to generate more income while having the freedom to explore the country, experience personal and professional growth, and take time-off when you want, then you probably already know you want to travel.
So, I'll spare you that spiel.

No need to try to convince you of something that's already been burning deep in your Wanderlusting Soul.

After all, you probably already KNOW that traveling therapy will allow you to explore the country and work in multiple settings all while getting paid for it.

You've probably also heard that travel therapy could pay nearly double that of a permeant position.

But despite the benefits, you've also heard some HORROR STORIES about travel therapy.

Your Dreams, Shattered.

Maybe your professors,  peers, or family have muttered these words to you, and you felt your Wanderlust dreams cripple.

  • It’s not good for new grads.
  • You won't have a steady job.
  • You won't have mentorship.
  • You'll get "thrown to the wolves."
  • You’ll be sent to bad places.


Your Travel Therapy Fears, Alleviated.

I've heard these statements too, and I'm calling their bluff.

You wouldn’t jump into the deep end without knowing how to swim, would you?
So, why do that with your career? 

And yet, nowhere is the just jump in technique more popular than the travel therapy world. 

The only reason these statements exist is because others have jumped into the travel therapy career without the right kind of preparation and knowledge, leading to their demise in the travel therapy world. 

[Hand raises] Even I plead guilty to this.  

But this does not have to happen to you.

I traveled as a new grad.
I made mistakes.
Lots of them. 

I wasted time, money, and a few tears. 

I didn’t have mentorship, guidance, or a step-by-step how-to guide. But I didn’t let that stop me. 

As I gained over 10 years of experience as a traveling therapist and began to mentor hundreds of other aspiring traveling therapists, I realized something-

These fears and mistakes can be avoided.  

Travel therapy, if done correctly, can be a lucrative and rewarding career. 

Imagine what it would be like to:

  •  Negotiate thousands of dollars more in each contract
  • Step into your roll as a new grad travel PT with confidence and thrive
  • Take over 2 months off each year to vacation and re-charge 
  • Experience clinical growth through multiple mentors,  CEUs, and certifications.
  • Spend holidays with family 
  • Visit all the places on your Bucket List
  • Meet new friends who inspire you to try do things you never would've imagined. 
  • Live debt -free and have enough to max-out retirement savings. 

It's possible!
Wanderlust PTs are living it!


"We have been traveling for 14 months and have paid off $133,000 in student loan debt! Jess has helped us every step of the way."

Geena, PT, DPT
Traveling PT

But there are red flags and mistakes to avoid on your journey in order to be successful.

And if you choose to ignore these, then you may end up like the countless others spreading the “fears” about travel therapy...

3 Reasons Most New Traveling Therapists Fail 



(or worse, not knowing what the answers mean)

Being a traveling therapist isn't particularly hard or complicated. But there are MANY potential mis-steps points along the way. 

Recruiters, companies, interview, housing, contracts, negotiation, pay, organization…  

There are so many questions you'll have to ask along the way, and you’ll need to understand the answers. If you don’t know what to ask or what the answers mean, it puts you at risk for signing a contract with a nightmarish job. 



In addition to knowing what to do, say, and ask, you need to know in what sequence to complete it, in order save you the most time and money. Doing things out of order can land you in a costly position- speaking from experience-

Found the perfect job in the most beautiful location and sign the contract only to find out, rent in the area was astronomical. Oops, lesson learned. 

"I took the course after my second travel assignment, which turned out to be a nightmare, and I could have avoided the nightmare if I would've taken this course first! Definitely worth the money! "

Andrea, PT
Traveling PT



There are a lot of recruiters and companies out there and a variety of different ways that they can take advantage of you or put you at risk without even knowing it; so how do you know who to trust? 

When it comes to recruiters and companies, it is imperative to equip yourself with what questions to ask, red flags to look out for, and the intuition to know when to run in the opposite direction, otherwise you could be taken advantage of.

Who Likes Baptism By Fire Anyway?

Most new travelers approach their journey as just another thing to "learn as you go,” “trial and error,” or accept the “baptism by fire” method.  

That’s what I did over the course of 10 years, with thousands of dollars lost, and wasted time. 

But you don’t have to anymore. 

As I gained experience and began to spend hours mentoring hundreds of new grads on the phone and in-person about traveling physical therapy, I recognized the need to share this knowledge with the masses, and  knew a book or PDF file just wouldn’t do the trick- 

I knew that whatever the solution, it must include: 

  • Step- by - step instruction and how tos through every detail of traveling therapy, even beginning before graduation.
  • One-on-one mentorship with an experience traveler to guide you step by step through finding your first assignment. 
  • Timeline, worksheets, and PDFs to keep you organized throughout the process.
  • Questions and red flags to help find the right job for you and avoid being taken advantage of
  • Support group of other like-minded individuals.

Becoming a Traveling PT just got a lot easier... 

I've taken everything I've learned and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step online course and mentorship program that not only teaches you the ins and outs of travel therapy, but the actual EXECUTION of how to be a successful traveling therapist.

You'll learn the "Why?" behind everything you do, and you'll have a meticulous, step-by-step, roadmap that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted, but more importantly, you can have support from a real person with tons of travel experience.

The end result: An incredibly fulfilling career as a travel physical therapist where you can feel confident in your abilities, and liberated with the freedom of time, location, and financial freedom that travel therapy allows you.


Problem Solved. 

We went from struggling new grads to experienced traveling therapists over the course of 10 years.


And now, you can do it in a weekend.






The Complete A-Z Online Course & Mentorship Program for the New Traveling Physical Therapist



Get READY, even before you graduate 

Module 1 

  • This module will give you a jump-start on your travel therapy career, even if you haven't graduated yet.
  • How-tos of getting started so that you know exactly what you have to do and when.
  • The keys to finding a good recruiter and company so that you can have confidence working with them without the fear of being taken advantage of.
  • Develop intuition required when interacting with multiple recruiting companies to find the ones that works FOR you.
  • The step-by-step process of getting licensed as well as strategies to stay organized with multiple licenses.
  • Understanding tax home rules before you start to travel.

SET up the right job

Module 2

  • The content in this module is the most critical to making sure the first job is the right fit for you.
  • Understand EXACTLY what questions to ask on the interview in order to find the right job for you as a new grad traveling therapist.
  • How to find a position that will provide orientation, mentorship, and support from other therapists
  • The 5 step process to finding a job and researching new locations
  • Master 3 strategies for negotiation to increase your take-home significantly and what to include in your contract

Thrive as a new TRAVEL Therapist 

Module 3

  • This module is filled with tips and tricks that address the intricacies of traveling after you accept your first position.
  • Learn how to find your housing quickly by knowing exactly what steps to take and which tools to use, and what to pack
  • What to expect on the first day, orientation, and how to get acclimated to your new location and meet new friendsā€‹
  • Maintaining multiple licenses, CEUs, and health insuranceā€‹
  • How to stay organized complete with multiple resources to help make your transition to travel life easier

What People Are Saying about the Course

"Take this class!! Even if you think you won't need it or that you can get the information elsewhere, this class had an amazing set-up that really guided me through the whole process of becoming a traveling therapist. I don't know how students go into traveling therapy without this course! I am very thankful and relieved that I'm able to have this course to guide me!"

Bailey, DPT
New Grad Traveling PT

"This course took the guesswork out of the process of becoming a traveler. Definitely recommended! The resources in this course are invaluable."

Angelica, DPT
May 2018 Graduate

"My biggest concern is being a new grad and being thrown into a complicated world of travel therapy. This program has given me the knowledge and confidence to succeed as a new grad traveler. I feel so much more prepared to attack traveling head on. Beyond the lessons, the handouts and worksheets alone are worth it."

Cheyenne, DPT
May 2018 Graduate


and get...

Here's What You're Getting

(a $4,500 Value)


  • With confidence and ease, you will become a new traveling therapist  with a step-by-step system that walks you through everything you need to know. 
  • You design a career that allows you the freedom that you want: freedom of time, location, and financial freedom.
  • You will be free from the fear of being taken advantage of, raging overwhelm, and “what-do-I-do-next syndrome” because you will know what to do, when, and exactly how to do it. 
  • You have the opportunity to make nearly double that of a permanent position paying off debt, taking time-off when you want, and saving for retirement. 
  • You will find the right job for you (even as a new grad) with the mentorship and support you need. 


When you request access to the Ready, Set, Travel Online Course & Mentorship Program, here’s what you get instantly:

A 100% online training program. Pre-recorded 12 lessons, 3 modules, with over 15 hours of content that walk you through step by step how to become a successful traveling physical therapist (even as a new grad) and show you how to avoid the pitfalls of travel therapy. 

Over 40 cheat sheets, check lists, and worksheets make up an invaluable Resource Guide filled with resources and every tool you need to stay organized on your journey. 

One-on-One Mentorship Complete guidance and support from a real person with tons of travel experience as you walk through EVERY imaginable step needed to prepare for, find, set-up, and thrive in your first travel therapy assignment. 



($1000 Value)

 Although the entire course is valued at $5,500, I'm giving you the opportunity to enroll at a SPECIAL PRICE. 




Full Ready, Set, Travel! Online Course 

The Travel Therapist's Roadmap 

BONUS: The WanderlustPTs Toolkit

BONUS: 1-on-1 Mentorship

BONUS: Private Facebook Group

BONUS: Exclusive Recruiter Access

Lifetime Access*




per month x 12 months

Full Ready, Set, Travel! Online Course 

The Travel Therapist's Roadmap 

BONUS: The WanderlustPTs Toolkit

BONUS: 1-on-1 Mentorship

BONUS: Private Facebook Group

BONUS: Exclusive Recruiter Access

Lifetime Access*


"I found this course to be so helpful, and I donā€™t know how I would have done it without this course, especially since I'm such a planner. I researched traveling therapy a lot before I found this course, and it was great to see things that I never researched or considered come up in these lessons. If you have any hesitation about joining this course, do it! You will learn things you never thought of before and will be thoroughly educated on all you need to know in order to be ready for the experience of your life!"

Olivia, PT
Travel PT

"After speaking with Jess, I was able to secure a great contract & negotiate better pay than I ever would have ever guessed for my 1st contract."

New Grad Traveling PT

"I highly recommend this course. They cover critical information that is commonly neglected. "

Linh, PT
Traveling PT

I Guarantee You'll LOVE It.

I've done everything in our power to make this the best Travel Therapy Course & Mentorship Program specifically for Physical Therapists! Ā 

I KNOW it works because it's the exact same processes and information that we use and that's been offered to those I have mentored and have become successful travelers themselves.  

However, if you're on the fence…or if other things you have heard about travel therapy have left you skeptical, then I want to give you every chance possible to "buy it and try it" with absolute confidence.  

That's why I'm giving you 14 days to go through the program, follow the simple step-by-step plan, and realize for yourself just how amazing it feels to live the life of a traveling therapist.  



Frequently Asked Questions

1) This course will SAVE YOU THOUSANDS of dollars by avoiding costly mistakes (that we already made) regarding housing, choosing locations, contracts, moving expenses, etc.  

2) In addition, this course will help you MAKE MORE MONEY up front; you will learn strategies for negotiation, earning you more on your first contract, easily paying for the course itself in the first week as a traveler. I have helped other travelers negotiate $1,400- $4,000* MORE in their first contract because they spoke to me. *Results vary.

3) You could request reimbursement for the course in your first contract from your recruiting company as a work-related expense, much like a CEU.  

4) TIME IS MONEY. Save time scouring the internet and get all of your questions answered in one place. In the words of a fellow Mentee: “What I searched for in 2 hours on the internet was explained to me in 20 minutes by Jess.”  

5) Put quite frankly, if you know you want to travel, you can’t afford NOT to.  

There's a crazy myth that you need to have experience as a therapist before you travel. You might have heard something along the lines of “you shouldn’t travel as a new grad; you should gain experience first.” 

Travel or permanent, not all jobs are appropriate for new grads. But in READY, SET, TRAVEL (RST), you'll learn how to determine if a job is the right fit for you as a new grad. 

AND 80-90% of travel jobs are actively looking for perm staff, so they are the same as any perm job that you may be applying to as a new grad, if you wanted to move to the area. 

Yes, being in the game longer may give you more insights into your comfort level with ramp-up and productivity in specific settings, but these aspects can easily be overcome with information you'll learn inside Ready, Set, Travel. 

In short, you don't need permission. You don't need years of experience. You need strategy, step- by -step guides, mentorship, and a little bit of Wanderlust deep in your soul.

Sure, it would be awesome to go into RST as a New Grad or current practicing therapist. But the fact that you haven’t yet graduated yet puts you in a position to take your time with the material, really enjoy the process, and understand all aspects fully before diving into your journey post-graduation. In fact, most participants recommend taking this course before graduation! 

You're a super busy new grad with a million things including studying for the board exam (and maybe even a day job) on your plate. I get it. 

Priority one: Pass the boards. 

BUT if you plan on traveling, know these are the words from a fellow mentee: “What I searched for in 2 hours on the internet was explained to me in 20 minutes by Jess.” 

Time is money, people. No need to spend hours on the web sifting through information and opinions when all the information you need is right here, in one spot. 

In short, the busier you are, the MORE you need a structured, step-by-step, Ultimate How-to guide to becoming a traveling therapist. That's why I built, "Ready, Set, Travel!"

The course is designed for therapists. Yes, the market is different for each discipline. But just as any therapist would, you feel the same overwhelm beginning an exciting journey as a new travel therapist, no matter the discipline. 

Anticipate 15 hours of lecture and Live Q&A total, but since you have lifetime access, you can do it at your own pace. It's a small time investment considering you're preparing for the best career of your life!

The RST Course and Mentorship Program is released over the course of three weeks. Since session are pre-recorded, you can watch them all at once, or one lesson per day. Live Q&A session will be recorded and uploaded to the website, in case you can't make it to the live Q&A. 


Enrollment is currently open and as soon as you sign up, you will have access to the course. You can do it at your own pace, all at once, or save it for later. 

How does lifetime* access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own, *as long as the course is running

I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 14 days, and I will give you a full refund.

This course was designed by traveling therapists (me) for therapists with no company sponsors or affiliates. With over10 years of travel therapy experience each, I am eager to share all of my successes, experiences, and mistakes with you. I have poured time, blood, sweat, and tears into this program and are excited to share it with you! Just hear what others have to say about us and the program...

It’s never too early to take this course, especially as a student; new grads who completed the course say that they were empowered having the knowledge and resources before their clinical rotations and graduation! The course helps enhance your clinical rotation experience, preps you with questions and things to look out for, and helps you to start building a kick-ass resume!

New grads also found the course helpful for interviewing and negotiating thousands of dollars more for permanent jobs too, so either way, you are covered!

And because you have lifetime access to the course and resources, you can return to the content as many times as you want and do the course at your own pace.

And you get one-on-one coaching with me and access to a Private Facebook community of other course graduates, so you are always supported!


50% Complete

Two Step

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